Sunday, December 20, 2009

Aconcagua departure

Packed and ready
Leaving tonight, arriving in Mendoza by 1900 hrs. Monday Dec. 21

Monday, December 14, 2009

1 week to Aconcagua

Just a week away, nearly all set for Argentina. I'll leave on Sunday Dec. 20. Should start the approach on Dec. 22. Here's a look at the proposed acclimatization schedule. Will hopefully put us on top by Jan. 4 sP

Monday, November 9, 2009

Denali and the Death Race

Aconcagua is now nearly a month away. I'm pretty excited, nervous, etc.
Since I'll have plenty of time to think up there, what better time to plan for next year's fun.
So far I have now committed to Mt. McKinley (Denali) May 17 and an interesting adventure race (a crazy one) called the death race. You can learn more about it at
Denali is set, just an application, deposit, medical, and good to go.
For the Death race however I had to create a short video outlining my training. It doesn't really capture everything, in fact not even close, but here it is.
Andy, I hope it works for ya.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Good days - Bad days in Ecuador

Well, the Ecuador trip is now concluding. Day 2 of the acclimatization plan went well. We climbed Illinizas N. on Saturday. It was great, a relatively short trip to 5100m. All of which I felt great.
Started the Cotopaxi climb on Sunday. Went to the refuge at 4800m in the afternoon to rest until midnight. Still feeling good we set of a 1:00 am. The wind from the time we arrived at the refuge was relentless. sudden gusts capable of knocking one over. This also starting making things pretty cold. The entire time in Ecuador right up until about 5300m on Cotopaxi I was feeling great. Acclimatizing in just 3 days to go above 5000m was the goal. But unfortunately Cotopaxi was also a goal. At around 5700m it was time to turnaround. Between the wind and a newly experienced sense of tiredness, Cotopaxi will have to wait.
Of course this is disappointing. Could I have pushed the last 200 vertical meters?, how dangerous would the last traverses really be with the wind?. I´ll never know for sure. But I will be back to avenge.


Friday, September 4, 2009

Ecuador acclimatization day 1 complete (Rucu Pinchincha round 2)

Just finished hiking Rucu Pinchinca. Went to 4700m. Felt good all day, but a bit tired. Tomorrow I´ll try 5100m on Illanizas North.
Back in Quito now, going to rest for tomorrow.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Ecuador trip

Since I'll be leaving Houston Sept. 3 and trying to summit Cotopaxi Sept. 6, there's not a lot of time for acclimatization. However with the availability of good day hiking and lesser challenging volcanoes around Quito, I can maximize the days between to acclimatize. First on Sept. 4 Rucu Pinchincha (a relatively easy day hike/scrample) then on Sept. 5 Ilinizas North (a good climb to > 5000m). Then, depeding on how I feel at that point, a Cotopaxi summit attempt can be made around midnight Sept. 6.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Mt. Indefatigable round 2

Had a great weekend hiking in the Kananaskis. Still had the North summit of Indefatigable on the to-do list from last time. Started with a South summit then traversed to the North. Great day, great weather. Missing Calgary and the Kananaskis all over agin.
Thanks to Steffen for the photos.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Return from Rainier

Back in Houston now. The Rainier trip was excellent! A great combination of learning new skills, climbing activities, and working as a team with new friends. We hit the summit of 14410' at 08:00 (mountain time) 01-July-09.
Here is a summit photo of myself and Luke (former professional bull rider now turned climber). I'll always give credit were credit is due, he handled the climb well despite never being near 14,000' feet before.

A few other pics here, our camp on the Winthrop Glacier and the summit view from it.
Rainier really impressed me. Both esthetically and the technical
challenges involved. Its definitely a place to visit and climb again.
A real gem of the west coast.
Once again thanks to everyone who donated to the Alberta Children's hospital prior to this climb. You contribution is greatly appreciated. sP

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Departure for Rainier

Ready to go. Flight to Seattle in the morning. Should be on the mountain by Thursday.
Special thanks again to everyone who contributed to the Alberta Children's hospital. By the way, I know the pictures not that exciting, but its getting late.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Rainier prep

Nearly ready to leave for Rainier. Gear it set. Perhaps one of the hardest things is to decide what to eat for 8 days. Here's my selection of oatmeal, bars, dried fruit, tea, jerky, etc.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Cotopaxi in planning

Found a good price for a ticket to Ecuador. Looks like I'll be going in Sept. as planned.
It's going to be hard to attempt Cotopaxi two days after arriving from Sea level. We'll see how the Hypoxic training works.


Thursday, June 4, 2009

Projects time line

Goals, gotta have em.

If your not moving forward toward them...

I've set this time line in order to organize a few larger and more challenging goals. Maybe they'll change, maybe they can't all be met. Regardless, I found just defining and starting them was the first goal to meet.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Canada - Canmore Lady McDonald trail - Apr. 2009

One of Canmore's classic hikes. Some scrambling at the top but makes a good day trip.

Texas - Enchanted Rock - Nov. 2008

Since I've been training at the indoor rock gym, thought it was about time to give the outdoors a try. After all, those are the fundamentals one will need to alpine climb. Went to a local place called Enchanted Rock. Great camping and a mix of climbing options. We spent two days learning and practicing.
Since this trip I've been working on lead climbing, setting anchors, and hope to move into mult-pitch. Let me know if you ever want to go one weekend.

Colorado - Pikes Peak - Sept. 2008

Simply expecting it to be a nice day hike, I quickly came to realized the 12mi hike to the summit of Pike's Peak is no joke.
Hardly flat at any point it made for a long day.

Canada - Kananaskis - Mt. Indefatigable

One of the many great day hikes in the Kananaskis country. Enjoyed the scrambling. Also shared the summit with my sister. On this day she promised to join me on Aconcagua. Still working on that one.

Kilimanjaro - June 2008

What a birthday present. Kilimanjaro was the turning point. Going to +5800m and still feeling great was when I really starting thinking about learning how to climb real mountains. Of course there is still a lot to learn. This trip was great on so many levels. It really is a trek that
everyone should experience.

Alaska - Flat Top Mt. - May 2008

Although still snowing in May, my first visit to Anchorage Alaska was memorable. Being able to hike until 11:00 PM is great. Flat Top Mountain, just outside of Anchorage, is a relatively short and low trip but fun regardless.

Peru - Lares Trek - March 2008

Peru and Macchu Pichu are so amazing I had to go back. This time taking an alternate route called the Lares Trek. Less crowded and higher at the summit point, it was a good choice. If possible I would go to Macchu Pichu every year.

Peru - Inka Trail Dec. 2004

My first taste of >4000m hiking. I was hooked but quickly realized that carrying around 225 lbs. was not the way to go