Well, slight changes. Turns out there may be potential ravel and permit issues brewing in Tibet during the April/May climbing season.
Read more here:
Tibet Travel advisory
So, we have now planned to adjust by re-scheduling for what seems to be a much more solid change of acquiring permits and climbing during the August/September season.
A bit of a downer as the preparation for April was going so well. Regardless the training will continue and I'll be even that much more prepared in the fall.
Attached is the climbing day by day chart which was to be used in April. I'll be updating soon with one for Aug. Hopefully this still allows to summit within 40 days. As usual may fluctuate, but good to have a plan.
I'm scheduled to leave Houston ---> Newark ---> Delhi India ---> Kathmandu on Aug 19. A long trip but at least there is an overnight in Delhi.
Cho Oyu is the sixth highest peak in the world. Said to be a good introduction climbing into the 8000m world. There are only 14 mountains in the world above 8000m.

I'll be spending the next months preparing equipment and training. Feeling really good about the training right now. Will be increasing the intensity. can't wait!