Friday, May 20, 2011

Ecuador May, 2011 - Cayambe

Just returned from today´s climb - Cayambe. At 5790m it is Ecuador´s third highest.
Just getting to the refuge is interesting. it´s about 45min to 1 hr. to the town of Cayambe from Quito. Then about 2 hrs. to the refuge which you must endure the less than idea road conditions. a 4 x 4 vehicle is mandatory. But an interesting trip traveling through the indigenous farmlands. Amazing green with the massive presence of Cayambe moutain.

We left the refuge around 1 am, at the summit by 6:30
The climb was moderate to start then became more difficult toward the last few hundred meters navigating around crevasses and during some steeper sections.
Once again bad luck at a foggy summit. Couldn´t see much until going down when everything cleared. At that time beautiful scenery including Antisana and Cotopaxi.
Another great climb on one of Ecuador´s amazing volcanoes.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Ecuador May, 2011 - Ilinizas N.

Climbed Ilinizas N. today. This was the third time to summit this peak, but first with good weather. Blue sky and sun. Had amazing views of Cotopaxi and Ilinizas South. It was nice to go above 5000m. Enjoyable day.
Looking forward to a rest day tomorrow.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Ecuador May, 2011 - Second Acclimatization hike complete

Had a good day scrambling up Rumiñaui today. It was actually more of a scramble than I thought by taking the direct South summit route. Weather was ok until a storm rolled in behind us during the descent. completely covered the peak we had just climbed with white.
On to Illinizas N. tomorrow.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Ecuador May, 2011 - First Acclimatization hike complete

Went to Rucu Pinchincha once again for yestarday´s acclimatization hike.
This is the third time I´ve been to the 4696m / 150273 ft. summit. It´s great to get out of the city and enjoy the day on this easy going hike. There is a bit of scrambling toward the summit which adds fun. Total round trip of 5 hrs. Weather was ok, a lot of fog and a bit of rain.

The spot device seems to be working well here. you can view the tracking at:

Planning to go on another hike tomorrow (Rumiñaui, another just for acclimatizing).
This should keep me right on schedule to climb Illianizas N
. on Tuesday.